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Laptop Cable

Does your laptop have an external microphone line-in port? It's usually found next to the headphone jack, and looks like a second headphone jack. If you do, you can use this cable to get your SpikerBox to interface with your laptop, allowing you to record data using the open-source audio software application "Audacity."

Since this is a generic audio cable you can buy anywhere, it has multiple uses, such as hooking up your SpikerBox to a secondary speaker for louder spikes. Nothing fancy, we're just the middleman on this one.

    In stock
      1. 1x 3.5 mm (1/8 inch) audio cable; 1.5 meters long
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        BYB Spike Recorder

        You can run the BYB Spike Recorder on a variety of platforms. Click links below to download and install.

      • Schematic

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.

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