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Book: How Your Brain Works

Unlock the mysteries of your brain with "How Your Brain Works," a captivating journey into neuroscience through hands-on experiments accessible to all ages. Join neuroscientists Greg Gage and Tim Marzullo as they reveal the hidden electrical world beneath our skin and skulls, making the study of the brain engaging and enlightening for everyone from middle schoolers to curious adults.

    In stock
      1. 320 Pages
      2. 259 Artwork Drawings
      3. Over 50 open-ended experiments!
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        BYB Spike Recorder

        You can run the BYB Spike Recorder on a variety of platforms. Click links below to download and install.

      • Schematic

        Preview of our EEG Chapter

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.

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    Try these products to boost your brain power even further!
    Human SpikerBox
    Neuron SpikerBox
    Plant SpikerBox
    Human-Human Interface