Can you achieve more full control, like say, an entire limb?
While someone could place more pairs of stimulating electrodes on different muscles, the movements will always appear “jerky” due to stimulation thresholds and types of muscle fibers activated. More complex and precise motor movements still wouldn't be possible.
Can you control another person by using your brain waves (EEG) instead of muscle electrical activity (EMG)?
Some research groups have had success with analogous experiments, but the set-up is more complicated and susceptible to false positives. EMG is much easier to amplify and control things with.
Trouble Shooting
- When connecting to SpikeRecorder via USB, don't use the "select port" menu, instead just wait up to 30 seconds, and the board will connect automaitcaly.
- If you're able to read EMG, but the "minion" doesn't feel any stimulation:
Let's try slowly increasing the intensity by using the dial on the board.
The stimulation will only happen while LED5(Right under the "Minion" brain on the cover) is on, if it is on for too long(4-5seconds), it will turn off automatically, if this happens, turn the box off and on again.
- You can also test the stimulation signal independently of the EMG signal
(and not use up muscle patch electrodes in the process).
Plug in the orange cable, clip all 3 alligator clips together, turn the
box on, disconnect one of the red clips and you should see LED5 turn on.
Science Fair Project Ideas
- We’ve noticed that some people respond at lower or higher stimulation levels than others. What factors could you measure that may affect the level of someone’s response to the same level of stimulation-age? Gender? How regularly they work out? If they’re tired or not?
- The stimulation of the muscles with the HHI, while interesting, is not nearly as elegant and smooth as the natural movements you can make with your own volitional control. Why do you think this is? How could you compare the two in an experiment? Which do you think would be stronger-your natural movements or those induced by the huge amouont of current coming from the HHI?
- While this is a fun neuroprosthetic demo for public and classroom demonstrations, what would it take to make this a useful device for the clinic? We make tongue-in-cheek jokes about “controlling humans” here in this experiment, but what do you think it would take to fully control movements?